Adriana Cáceres

  • Total activity 23
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Recent activity by Adriana Cáceres Recent activity Votes
  • Re-marketing Workflow for Facebook Integration

    If you're using Facebook integration, setting up a workflow can make your marketing efforts smoother. This article will guide you through to the creation of a simple one. Before you begin, make sur...

  • Customize the URL for your Landing Pages

    Step 1. Point to the Domain's DNSTo set up the custom URL, you'll first need to configure the DNS records for your domain. As an example, for the domain "", you would set it ...

  • Set-up Facebook Integration

    Step 1: Go to the Integrations section, located in the right-hand menu. Then, select the pencil icon next to the Facebook Integration.   Step 2: Click on "Login with Facebook". You will be redirec...

  • How to create a survey

    One of the most effective ways to get feedback is through surveys. In this article, we will explain how to adapt a form to create a survey and collect feedback. Create a survey form If you have nev...

  • Using Webhooks

    Our CRM supports HTTP POST requests to designated URLs triggered by events like email opens, unsubscribes, and clicks. To enable event notifications, configure a callback URL within the Webhooks se...

  • Best Practices for Creating a Landing Page

    Contact Details: Provide your contact information, such as an email address or phone number. This adds credibility and gives visitors a way to reach out if they have questions. Compelling Call To ...

  • Use segmentation to validate a group of contacts

    Step 1: On the left side of your screen, click on Audience and Contacts > Segmentation. Step 2: Click on Create Segmentation. Step 3: Select the following filter: Contact info + Email validation St...