Step 1: Click "Lead Generation" and "Forms".
Step 2: Create a new form or select one previously saved.
Note: If your account doesn't have forms activated, please contact us.
Step 3: Fill in the required information for your form such as: Name, Description, URL and Web App.
Step 4: When dragging the information you want your form to have in your form, make sure to add the checkbox: Marketing Consent.
Step 4: Click the pencil button to edit the box and add the information required:
Step 5: Click Refresh Form and Code to save the changes made.
This information will be saved for each of your contacts, and it will be available in their profiles. To see this information, follow these steps:
Step 1: Click " Audience & Contacts" and "Contacts" on the main menu:
Step 2: Select the contact that you want to verify and click the name or email to open its details. On the right side of the screen, you will find the Marketing Consent information.
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