Performance and delivery from your campaigns depends on the quality of your database and the way you communicate the message. In general, Hotel Industry Benchmarks are:
The Unique Opened rate within 15%-20% (20% for Gen Z / iGen / Centennials 1995 - 2010).
The subject of your email has the biggest influence on Open rate.
Unique Clicked rate from 2%.
The content, CTA and images with action links have the biggest influence on click rates.
Unsubscribed rate 0.3%
If your unsubscribed rate increases in a particular campaign, we recommend reviewing both the specific email copy from that message, and the amount of campaigns sent. Both a drastic spike in communications, and email copy that is off brand can lead to a spike in unsubscribes.
Bounce Rate is 1%
If your bounce rate is greater than the average, we recommend reading the following articles:
Note: Numbers shared in this article may vary by audience region (Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia).
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