Click on Create Segmentation to create the new segments. Read this article if you want to know how to create a segment.
Remember to include the base language segment in all your segments. Read more about how to create it in the previous article.
Pre-stay communications
To send a communication 15 days before the guest's arrival date, include the following filter:
To add the language base segment, click on +new filter and include the following filter (the name of the filter to include will vary according to the base segment you have created):
Communications during stay
If you want to send a communication to guests, in this case, 1 day after check-in, include these filters:
Post-stay communications
Include the following filters to send communications to guests, for example, 1 day after checkout:
To send a reminder one year after the booking date, create the following segment:
Family communications
If you want to create a segment for families, add the following filter:
You can modify the filter to send communications to those with, for example, more than 1 child:
Long stay communications
Create a new segment to send communications to long-stay guests by including these filters:
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